A simulator for calculating the costs of WhatsApp messages

Update date: 4/19/23 (for up-to-date information, go to meta)

Background and explanation: WhatsApp messaging pricing policy when using WhatsApp’s business platform “Whatsapp Cloud API”

WhatsApp Business Platform is divided into two categories that are priced differently:

User-initiated: A conversation that starts in response to a user message. Every time a business responds to a user within the 24-hour customer service window, this message will be linked to a conversation initiated by the user. Businesses can send messages freely within this 24-hour customer service window.
Business-initiated: A call initiated by a business sending a message to a user outside of the 24-hour customer service window. Messages that initiate a business-initiated conversation will require a message template.
Free Message Modes:
Calls are free when users send messages to businesses using call-to-action buttons in ads that click call-to-action buttons on WhatsApp or a Facebook page. Starting March 1, we’re providing more free calls when users message businesses through these entry points by extending the free call window from 24 hours to 72 hours

Use this simulator to calculate the estimated monthly cost, please note that the final price may vary depending on time zones and the types of messages sent, as well as prices may vary.

If you paid for a proactive message, you will not pay again for the customer’s response, vice versa
In addition, every month you will receive 1000 free calls initiated by the user.
The payment for the messages is made directly to WhatsApp
* The simulator is for the Israel time zone,

Two columns

מחשבון עלויות הודעות ווטאספ


"{{getWooProductName}}" has been added to your cart

Your service request has been completed!

We have sent your request information to your email.
Issued on: {{ $store.getters.getIssuedOn }}
Payment method: {{ $store.getters.getPaymentType }}
{{ item.label }}: {{ item.converted }}


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